Career Profile

I am a full-stack developer specializing in .NET Core and Angular. Discovering and trying out new technologies is my hobby and passion. You can download my full CV here.


Full Stack Developer

2018 - Present
SoftServe, Lviv

I work at an outstaff company. Our client is one of the world’s largest flooring manufacturers and distributors around the globe. I maintain existing Web APIs, extend and improve services and Web projects written in .NET Core and Angular. Sometimes I deal with SQL and DevOps tasks.


My side projects and open source libraries.

SparseMatrix - A Smalltalk implementation of sparse matrices based on linked structures.
snippet-sharing - Snippet Sharing is a service for sharing code/text snippets. It allows you to paste a text snippet, and then you can share the link to it with somebody.


Most of my publications were made in the university as part of the credit aquisition process.

  • The Art of Computer Programming
  • Donald E. Knuth
    Addison-Wesley, 1968
  • Genetic Programming III: Darwinian Invention & Problem Solving
  • Koza, J.R., Andre, D., Bennett, F.H., Keane, M.A.
    Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc., San Francisco, CA, USA, 1st edn. (1999)
  • A syntax directed compiler for Algol 60
  • Edgar T. Irons
    Comm. ACM 4 (1961), 51–55

    Skills & Proficiency

    .NET Core

    Javascript & Typescript


    HTML5 & CSS
